The Buttonbar Applet

The applet gets almost all of the information via parameters. The parameters have to be set in the HTML Code, as part of the <applet> tag (To see how to create the HTML code read the HTML code page).

So these are the parameters and their function:

 NORMBUTTON This parameter specifies the file which shall be displayed for the normal buttons (not pressed, not highlighted). It has to be a .GIF or a .JPG (.JPEG respectively) file. You have to write it with suffix, if you forget the applet won't work! Remeber that filenames on the Internet are case sensitive! The file name has to be written correct, if you mix up lower and upper case it'll cause errors. This parameter is required.
 HIGHLBUTTON Err, not all too difficult to guess, is it? The same rules as above apply, only that this specifies the file to be displayed when a button is highlighted (when the mouse is over a button, but the button is not pressed). This parameter is required.
 PRESSEDBUTTON  Guess on it... This parameter is required.
 SPECNORMBUTTON# You can give a nutton a different image than the default one with this parameter. It has to be the same size like the default buttons. This parameter is optional.
 SPECHIGHLBUTTON# Same as SPECNORMBUTTON#, only for highlighted status. This parameter is optional.
 SPECPRESSEDBUTTON# Same as SPECNORMBUTTON#, only for highlighted status. This parameter is optional.
 BACKGROUNDIMAGE A .GIF or .JPG image which will be displayed behind the buttons. This parameter is optional.
 MOUSEOVERSOUND The sound which is playyed when the mouse moves from one button to another. The sounds have to be 8 bit, µlaw, 8000 Hz, one-channel, Sun ".au" files. 
 PRESSEDSOUND The sound which is played when a button is pressed. The same rules like with "MOUSEOVERSOUND" apply.
 ORIENTATION Default value is vertical. You can make a horizontal buttonbar by setting this parameter to "horizontal". This parameter is optional.
 DEFAULTFONTNAME Usually the default font name is "Helvetica" (on most PCs this font is called "Arial"). You can change the default with this parameter, which is more easy than changing the font name for every button manually. For more info on font names see "FONTNAME#".  This parameter is optional.
 DEFAULTFONTSTYLE Usually the default is "PLAIN". Change the default with this parameter. See "FONTSTYLE#". This parameter is optional.
 DEFAULTFONTSIZE "Standard default" is 12. See "FONTSIZE#". This parameter is optional.
 DEFAULTFONTCOLOR Default is usually black. See "FONTCOLOR#". This parameter is optional.
 DEFAULTDESTFRAME If most of the pages have to be displayed in a different frame than the one in which the applet itself is displayed you can specify a default destination frame where all pages will be displayed in. If a page shall not be displayed in the default frame you have to use the DESTFRAME# parameter. This parameter is optional.
 BUTTONSTAYPRESSED  If this parameter is specified the button which was pressed will remain so until another button is pressed. The purpose is to indicate where on a site the viewer is. It doesn't matter which value this parameter has, the pure existence suffices to activate this option. This parameter is optional.
 STARTBUTTON If the option "BUTTONSTAYPRESSED" is activated button no. one will show up pressed after loading. If you want a different button to be pressed after the applet is loaded you can specify which one with this parameter. This parameter is optional.
 BUTTONTEXT# The text to be displayed on the button. Make sure it's not too long, the applet won't check the length. This parameter is required.
 DESTURL# Same as with the TEXT# parameter, but this time you specify the URL to which you want to link this button. URLs can be relative or absolute, even targets should work fine (this #dunnowhat stuff). This parameter is required.
 DESTFRAME# You can define a frame in which you want to appear a page a button is linked to. But you don't have to, if you don't specify a destination frame, the page will be loaded in the current frame. This parameter is optional.
 STATUSMESSAGE#  You can define a short statement which will appear in the status bar of your browser when the mouse arrow is over a button. This statement might be a short description of what the page that's gonna appear contains. This parameter is optional.
 FONTNAME# Every button can have a different font, the name of which you define with this parameter. Valid values are: 
  • Dialog
  • Helvetica (This is Arial)
  • TimesRoman (This is Times New Roman)
  • Courier
  • DialogInput
  • ZapfDingbats
Default is Helvetica. This parameter is optional.
 FONTSTYLE# The three valid options are: PLAIN, ITALIC and BOLD. Due to some odd reason it is not possible to make a font bold and italic. If you skip this parameter the font will be displayed PLAIN. This parameter is optional.
 FONTSIZE# Guess on it... Of course you can't use all numbers, i.e. a font of the size 100 won't work. Use the font sizes which work also with your text application. Default is 12. This parameter is optional.
 FONTCOLORn Every font can have a different color. Valid options are:  
  • black (is also default)
  • blue
  • cyan
  • darkgray
  • gray
  • green
  • lightgray
  • magenta
  • orange
  • pink
  • red
  • white
  • yellow
You can define colors also like you do it in HTML, that is, with three hexadecimal numbers. E.g. the color white would be "ffffff" in hexadecimal. 

This parameter is optional.